Humboldt University of Berlin. PhD in Library & Information Science, 2022
Supervisor — Vivien Petras, Humboldt University of Berlin
External Supervisor — Michael Zimmer, Marquette University
Dissertation — Data curation for qualitative data reuse and big social research: Connecting communities of practice

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. MS in Information Science, 2013
Concentration in Archives and Records Management
Masters Paper — Providing context to web collections: A survey of Archive-It users

Bard College. BA in Literature, 2003
Senior project — The world in a jar at breakfast [poems]
From the introduction: “This project illustrates the way that information itself—and the format used to relate this information to the public—becomes its own sort of poetics.”


Montana State University, 2014-present
Associate Professor, Data Librarian, 2020-present
Assistant Professor, Data Librarian, 2014-2020

Dryad Digital Repository, 2013-2014
Senior Curator

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2011-2013
Graduate Research Assistant, Archival Manuscripts Processor
Southern Historical Collection and University Archives & Records Management Services


  1. Responsible AI: Tools for values-driven AI in libraries and archives. (2022-2025). Institute of Museum & Library Services—National Leadership Grants for Libraries, LG-252307-OLS-22. $248,220. Project Director: Mannheimer, S. Co-PD: Clark, J.A. Co-Is: Bond, N., Rossmann, D., Sheehey, B., Shorish, Y., & Scates Kettler, H., Young, S.W.H.
  2. Dataset Search: A lightweight tool to promote discovery of health sciences data. (2019-2020). Network of the National Library of Medicine—Pacific Northwest Region. $19,000. Principal Investigator: Mannheimer, S. Co-PI: Clark, J.A. 
  3. Using hands-on workshops to promote literacy in data science. (2018-2019). Network of the National Library of Medicine—Pacific Northwest Region. $9,500. Principal Investigator: Mannheimer, S. Co-PIs: Hancock, S., Theobold, A.
  4. A prototype for an institutional research data index. (2018-2019). Institute of Museum & Library Services—National Leadership Grants for Libraries, LG-89-18-0225-18. $25,000. Principal Investigator: Mannheimer, S. Co-PI: Clark, J.
  5. A national forum on web privacy and web analytics. Institute of Museum & Library Services—National Leadership Grants for Libraries. $100,000. (2018-2019). Project Director: Young, S.W.H. Co-PDs: Clark, J.A. & Mannheimer, S.
  6. Planning for success: The impact of data management plans on grant awards and grant-funded research. (2017-2018). Network of the National Library of Medicine—Pacific Northwest Region. $9,500. Principal Investigator: Mannheimer, S.


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  1. Mannheimer, S., Bond, N., Young, S.W.H., Scates Kettler, H., Marcus, A., Clark, J.A., Rossmann, D., Sheehey, B., & Shorish, Y. (forthcoming). Ethical AI practice in libraries and archives: A review of the literature. Information Technology and Libraries.
  2. Young, S., & Mannheimer, S. (2023). Teaching privacy using learner-centered practices in a credit-bearing context. In S. Hartman-Caverly & A. Chisholm, (Eds.), Practicing privacy literacy in academic libraries: Theories, methods, and cases (pp. 203–225). ACRL.
  3. Contaxis, N., Clark, J., Dellureficio, A., Gonzales, S., Mannheimer, S., Oxley, P.R., Ratajeski, M.A., Surkis, A., Yarnell, A.M.,  Yee, M., & Holmes, K. (2022). Ten Simple Rules for Improving Research Data Discovery. PLOS Computational Biology 18(2), e1009768. 
  4. Mannheimer, S. (2021). Data curation implications of qualitative data reuse and big social research. Journal of eScience Librarianship 10(4), e1218. 
  5. Sheridan, H., Dellureficio, A.J., Ratajeski, M.A., Mannheimer, S, & Wheeler, T.R. (2021). Data curation through catalogs: A repository-independent model for data discovery. Journal of eScience Librarianship 10(3), e1203.
  6. Mannheimer, S., Clark, J.A., Hagerman, K., Schultz, J., & Espeland, J. (2021). Dataset Search: A lightweight, community-built tool to support research data discovery. Journal of eScience Librarianship 10(1), e1189.
  7. Theobold, A.S., Hancock, S.A., & Mannheimer, S. (2021). Designing data science workshops for data-intensive environmental science research. Journal of Statistics Education 29(sup1), S83-S94. 
  8. Pryse, J.A., Harp, M., Mannheimer, S., Marsolek, W., Cowles, W. (2021). Oral history interviews data curation primer. Data Curation Network. 
  9. Regan, M.T., Young, S.W.H., & Mannheimer, S. (2020). Improving learner-driven teaching practices through reflective assessment. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 15(3), 59-77. 
  10. Young, S.W.H., Walker, P., Swauger, S., Gibeault, M.J., Mannheimer, S., & Clark, J. (2020). Participatory approaches for designing and sustaining privacy-oriented library services. Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy 4(4), 3-18. 
  11. Young, S.W.H., Mannheimer, S., Rossmann, D., Swedman, D., & Shanks, J. D. (2020). Service blueprinting: A method for assessing library technologies within an interconnected service ecosystem. Public Library Quarterly 39(3), 190-211.  [Open access version via LISSA]
  12. Mannheimer, S., Clark, J.A., Espeland, J., & Hagerman, K. (2019). Building a dataset search for institutions: Project update. Publications 7(2), 29.
  13. Mannheimer, S., Pienta, A., Kirilova, D., Elman, C., & Wutich, A. (2019). Qualitative data sharing: Data repositories and academic libraries as key partners in addressing challenges. American Behavioral Scientist 63(5), 643–664. [Open access version via SocArxiv]
  14. Mannheimer, S. & Tenzing, W. (2018). Toward a better data management plan: The impact of DMPs on grant funded research practices. Journal of eScience Librarianship, 7(3), e1155.
  15. Young, S.W.H., Mannheimer, S., Rossmann, D., Swedman, D., & Shanks, J.D. (2018). Assessing and improving library technology with service blueprinting. Journal of eScience Librarianship, 7(2), e1134.
  16. Baucom, E., Troup, T., Cote, C., & Mannheimer, S. (2017). Building strategic alliances to support advocacy and planning for digital preservation. Journal of Digital Media Management, 6(2), 182-194.[Open access version via MSU ScholarWorks]
  17. Tennant, J.P., Dugan, J.M., Graziotin, D., Jacques, D.C., Waldner, F., Mietchen, D., Elkhatib, Y., Collister, L.B., Pikas, C.K., Crick, T., Masuzzo, P., Caravaggi, A., Berg, D.R., Niemeyer, K.E., Ross-Hellauer, T., Mannheimer, S., Rigling, L., Katz, D.S., Tzovaras, B.G., Pacheco-Mendoza, J., Fatima, N., Poblet, M., Isaakidis, M., Irawan, D.E., Renaut, S., Madan, C.R., Matthias, L., Kjær, J.N., O’Donnell, D.P., Neylon, C., Kearns, S., Selvaraju, M., & Colomb, J. (2017). A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review. F1000Research, 2017(6), 1151.
  18. Mannheimer, S., & Cote, C. (2017). Cultivate, assess, advocate, implement, and sustain: A five-point plan for successful digital preservation collaborations. Digital Library Perspectives, 33(2), 100-116. [Open access version via MSU ScholarWorks]
  19. Mannheimer, S., & Hull, E.A. (2017). Sharing selves: Developing an ethical framework for curating social media data. International Journal of Digital Curation, 12(2), 196-209.
  20. Mannheimer, S., Young, S.W.H., & Rossmann, D. (2016). Improving services—at what cost? Examining the ethics of Twitter research at the Montana State University Library. Council for Big Data, Ethics, and Society.
  21. Mannheimer, S., Sterman, L., & Borda, S. (2016). Discovery and reuse of open datasets: An exploratory study. Journal of eScience Librarianship, 5(1), e1091.
  22. Mannheimer, S., Young, S. W. H., & Rossmann, D. (2016). On the ethics of social network research in libraries. Journal of Information, Communication, and Ethics in Society, 14(2), 139-151. [Open access version via MSU ScholarWorks]
  23. Mannheimer, S., Yoon, A., Greenberg, J., Feinstein, E., & Scherle, R. (2014). A balancing act: The ideal and the realistic in Dryad’s preservation policy development. First Monday, 19(8).


  1. Mannheimer, S. (2022). Data curation strategies to support responsible big social research and big social data reuse. International Journal of Digital Curation 17(1). 
  2. Shanks, J.D., Mannheimer, S., & Clark, J.A. (2019, November 20). Radical collaboration: Making the computational turn in special collections and archives. ACRL Digital Scholarship Section ResearchDataQ Editorial.
  3. Young, S.W.H., Mannheimer, S., Clark, J.A., & Hinchliffe, L.J. (2019). A Roadmap for achieving privacy in the age of analytics: A white paper from A National Forum on Web Privacy and Web Analytics. Montana State University Library.
  4. Young, S.W.H., Clark, J.A., Mannheimer, S., & Hinchliffe, L.J. (2019). A National Forum on Web Privacy and Web Analytics: Action handbook. Montana State University Library.
  5. Mannheimer, S., & Banta, R. (2018). Personal digital archiving as a bridge to research data management: Theoretical and practical approaches to teaching research data management skills for undergraduates. In B. H. Marshall (Ed.), The complete guide to personal digital archiving (pp. 169-184). ALA Editions/Neal-Schuman. [Open access version via MSU ScholarWorks]


  1. Mannheimer, S. (2024). Scaling up: How data curation can help address key issues in qualitative data reuse and big social research. Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services: Springer. 
    [Chapters 1 and 7 available open access via MSU ScholarWorks]


  1. Mannheimer, S., Rossmann, D., Clark, J.A., Shorish, Y., Bond, N., Scates Kettler, H., Sheehey, B., Young, S.W.H.  (Eds.). (2024). Responsible AI Special Issue. Journal of eScience Librarianship 13(1), e860.
  2. Bakker, C., Coates, H.L., Mannheimer, S. (Eds.). (2021). Special Issue: 2021 Research Data Access and Preservation Summit. Journal of eScience Librarianship 10(4), e1230.
  3. Mannheimer, S., Newman, S., Coates, H., Rinehart, A. (Eds.). (2021). Special Issue: 2020 Research Data Access and Preservation Summit. Journal of eScience Librarianship 10(1), e1197.


  1. Mannheimer, S. (2023). Interviews regarding data curation for qualitative data reuse and big social research [Dataset]. Qualitative Data Repository. 
  2. Theobold, A.S., Hancock, S.A., & Mannheimer, S. (2020). Data from: Designing data science workshops for data-intensive environmental science research [Dataset]. Dryad.
  3. Regan, M.T., Young, S.W.H., & Mannheimer, S. (2020). Data from: Improving learner-driven teaching practices through reflective assessment [Dataset]. Dryad
  4. Mannheimer, S. & Tenzing, W. (2018). Data from: Toward a better data management plan: The impact of DMPs on grant funded research practices [Dataset]. Zenodo.
  5. Mannheimer, S., Sterman, L., & Borda, S. (2016). Cited/downloaded dataset and repository characteristics [Dataset]. Montana State University ScholarWorks.


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  1. Shorish, Y., & Mannheimer, S. (2023, October). AI in libraries: engaging responsibly with new technology [Poster]. ALA Core Forum. New Orleans, LA.
  2. Mannheimer, S. (2022, June). Data curation strategies to support responsible big social research and big social data reuse. International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC). Virtual.
  3. Mannheimer, S. (2022, March). From Communities, For Communities: Cataloging Community-Based Participatory Research Data. Research Data Access and preservation (RDAP) Summit. Virtual. 
  4. Mannheimer, S. (author and presenter), Clark, J.A. (author and presenter), Espeland, J. (author), Schultz, J. (author), Borland, R. (author), Hagerman, K. (author), Laden, D. (author). (2021, June). Dataset Search: An open source tool to support data discovery, reuse, and analytics. Open Repositories. Virtual. 
  5. Mannheimer, S. (Author and presenter), Clark, J.A. (Author), Espeland, J. (Author), & Hagerman, K. (Author). (2019, October). Dataset Search: An open source tool that supports discovery and reporting for research datasets. Digital Library Federation Forum, Tampa, FL. 
  6. Mannheimer, S. (Author and presenter), Young, S.W.H. (Author), & Clark, J.A. (Author). (2019, June). Achieving privacy in the age of analytics: Perspectives from the National Forum on Web Privacy and Web Analytics. American Library Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
  7. Mannheimer, S. (Author and presenter), Clark, J.A. (Author and presenter), Laden, D. (Author and presenter), & Monday, D. (Author). (2019, May). “Hello, Computer.” Welcoming computational modes of research into the archive [Poster]. Northwest Archivists Annual Meeting, Bozeman, MT.


  1. Mannheimer, S. [Keynote moderator], Broussard, M., & Nemer, D. (2022, October). Opening Keynote: Technology in Society: In Conversation with Meredith Broussard and David Nemer. DLF Forum.
  2. Mannheimer, S., Clark, J.A., & Espeland, J. (2019, July). Dataset Search overview and demo. Presented at the Data Catalog Collaboration Project monthly meeting.
  3. Young, S.W.H. (Author and presenter), Mannheimer, S. (Author and presenter), & Clark, J.A. (Author and presenter). (2019, July). Achieving privacy in the age of analytics: Skills, strategies, and ethical approaches. OCLC Works in Progress [webinar].
  4. Mannheimer, S. (Invited participant). (2019, April). Measuring the impact of digital repositories, College Park, MD.
  5. Mannheimer, S. (Author and presenter), & Hull, E.A. (Author and presenter). (2018, September). The STEP framework for curating social media data. DocSocData: Documenting the Now community call. Online session.
  6. Young, S.W.H. (Author and presenter), & Mannheimer, S. (Author). (2018, May). Web analytics in libraries. Library Values & Privacy Summit, New York, NY.


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Carpentries workshops – Introduction to R, Data Visualization in R, Intermediate R, and Data Wrangling in R (co-taught with Greta Linse). Workshops are taught semesterly, 2018-present

LSCI 291/PHL 291/EGEN 291/CSCI 291: Technology, ethics, and society (co-taught with Kristen Intemann, Brock LaMeres, Mary Ann Cummings, and Scott W. H. Young), Spring 2020

LSCI 321: Data curation for a data-driven world (co-taught with Jason A. Clark), Spring 2020

HONR 494: Information ethics and privacy in the age of big data, (co-taught with Scott W. H. Young), Spring 2018


  1. Diversity & inclusion development certificate. (2018). Including DIV 100: Exploring cultural identity; DIV 110: Intersectionality & privilege; and DIV 120: Implicit bias & microaggressions. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
  2. Introduction to machine learning in the digital humanities. (2018, June). Digital Humanities Summer Institute, Victoria, BC, Canada.
  3. Software/Data Carpentry instructor certification. (2018, June).
  4. West Big Data Innovation Hub Data Carpentry instructor training. (2018, March). eScience Institute, Seattle, WA.


  1. Selected Resource by ACRL Instruction Section Teaching Methods Committee, 2021: Improving Learner-Driven Teaching Practices through Reflective Assessment. Resources are selected for their innovative discussions of teaching methods, assessment tools or techniques, and/or instructional design in library instruction. All resources available on Zotero.
  2. Doctoral Colloquium accepted participant and sponsored registration. ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Online, October 2020.


  1. American Libraries Magazine. (2024, March 1). Realizing Potential Libraries employ (and investigate) artificial intelligence.
  2. Wallace, A. (2023, June 22). Nearly 80% of women’s jobs could be disrupted, automated by AI. CNN Business.
  3. Cantrell, A. (2022, October 24). Montana State receives $250,000 grant to examine use of artificial intelligence in libraries. MSU News Service
  4. MSU News Service. (2020, January 13). MSU Library joins new service to support researchers
  5. Shin, N. (2019, October 7). National Medical Librarians Month: Sara Mannheimer. Dragonfly Blog. National Network of Libraries of Medicine—Pacific Northwest Region.



Member, Data Discovery Collaboration Communications Core Group, 2019-present (Chair, 2022)
Mentor, RDAP special issue of Journal of eScience Librarianship, 2021-present
Peer reviewer for a number of journals, including:
           Journal of eScience Librarianship
           Information, Communication, & Society
           Collection and  Curation
           Journal of Librarianship & Scholarly Communication
           Behaviour & Information Technology 
           PLOS ONE
           and others.
Peer reviewer, ASIS&T Annual Meeting
External tenure reviewer, multiple institutions
Proposal reviewer, National Science Foundation
Proposal reviewer, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Pacific Northwest Region
Field reviewer and review panelist, Institute of Museum and Library Services


University Graduate Council, Fall 2018-Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2024-present
Center for Science, Technology, Ethics and Society Faculty Advisory Board, 2019-present
Statistical Consulting and Research Services (SCRS) Advisory Council, 2018-present
HELPS Lab Advisory Board, 2015-present


Library Web Committee, 2023-present